Our Green House Blogs

What to Write in New Baby Gift Card?

What to Write in New Baby Gift Card?

Posted by Pam Davis on Jun 25th 2019

We know how hard it can be to come up with the perfect gift note, especially when you are welcoming a new baby into the world. All those feels in just one tiny text box!   Whether you are writing to your best friend, daughter, co-worker or an acquaintance, we’ve got your back with this list of common phrases to help jump-start your perfect new baby gift basket card. And, of course, when you gift with us we hand write each gift note to give it that extra personal touch! A little something for the little oneBest wishesCan't wait to meet baby ______Congratulations on becoming parentsCongratulations on the birth of your precious little babyCongratulations on your little oneCongratulations on your new bundle of joyCongratulations on your new additionCongratulations on your newest arrivalCongratulations to you and your familyCongratulations to you and your growing familyHugest CongratulationsIt will be the most amazing love you will experience.Lots of love and special wishesMazel Tov on the birth of your babyOh the joy that awaits youSending so much love to you.Thinking of you all at this special timeTry to let your parents get some sleepYou will be amazing parentsWarmest wishesWe are so Thrilled for youWelcome babyWelcome little oneWelcome to planet earthWelcome to the familyWelcome to the worldWelcome to this big worldWishing all the best in this exciting new stage of your lifeWishing you joy and happinessWishing your baby many years of good health, love, and happiness
The Benefits of Babywearing

The Benefits of Babywearing

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Sep 19th 2018

Babywearing is nothing new, in fact, it has been around for centuries in most cultures. Since the “baby-boom” age here in the west, it has become more of a "study" versus something natural. Meaning, researchers began to study infant crying and wanting to learn why they cry and how to soothe them. However, despite the research - one thing that has always stayed strong with keeping a baby calmer and more secure is babywearing. While babywearing has died down in western society over the past few decades, it is finally making a comeback! What is Babywearing? Very simply – babywearing is the practice of wearing your baby and/or toddler in a sling, wrap or carrier. There are so many products on the market today to support your desire to wear your baby. That said, even though it is an old tradition, it does take some time to get used to. In fact, it isn't exactly easy for every mom - but it packs a lot of benefits. Let’s go through some of the biggest benefits that babywearing has to offer. Babywearing Benefits Keeps baby feeling safe, secure and settled with you mama – which is where they want to be. When you hold your baby close to you they feel secure, knowing their needs will be quickly met. Newborns don’t understand when you put them down as you go about some chores and other household things, that you will be right back and can still get to them when they are hungry or need a diaper change. Some newborns will be easier than others, but all infants eventually learn that you will, in fact, come back. This is why you often hear moms with a newborn saying, “my baby never wants to be put down!” Well – because they don’t! Does it mean you cannot ever put them down? Of course, not – we need to eat, shower and get things done but just know that in these early days, you may find yourself wearing your baby a lot more than you anticipated! Supports breastfeeding – by helping mom to recognize early signs of hunger more easily and can begin to nurse her baby without the baby crying. This awareness of learning your baby’s needs and cues will increase bonding and your confidence as a mama! Supports physical development - physical contact with young babies aids the healthy development of their brain. Infants carried regularly also have more stable heart and breathing rates. They are in a state of quiet alertness – which helps them to grow and learn better. Helps support spinal, pelvis and hip development – it keeps spine and legs in optimal position for growth. Laying flat too much or in a device keeps them in an unnatural posture, however while carried - the tiny physical adjustments that they have to make to the movements of carrying, help to develop their muscle tone and sense of balance. Helps their social development – because they are upright with you and can see the world around them! They are close to your face and learning from your expressions and responses as they attempt to communicate back. When you talk to other people, your baby is a part of the conversation and shares the experience with you. Types of Babywearing Sling - a long piece of sturdy cloth, worn over one shoulder and across your stomach Slings are ideal for newborns, as small babies can easily nestle into the fabric. Older babies and toddlers can also “sit” in the fabric like a hip carried seat. Wrap – a long piece of fabric, wrapped around your torso and usually over both shoulders Wraps are very versatile and inexpensive. Carrier – a soft padded material that has a more structured seat with two shoulder straps and buckles These carriers tend to be more ergonomic, so they’re great for outdoor activities and other times when you’re carrying the baby for long stretches. What about mom? Babywearing has benefits for you too mama! Being close to your baby not only benefits your baby but you as well. It will increase bonding and can help ease the symptoms of postpartum depression and stress. Wearing your baby also keeps you hands-free. Enabling you to get those chores done around the house that you are wanting to do. I have personally mastered washing dishes and doing laundry with a baby on me, but it takes practice. Note: in the beginning, I recommend getting help for these things so you can rest. Physically, you will benefit too. If worn correctly, it will strengthen your core muscles after those nine months of pregnancy which has no doubt, weakened them. Babywearing is so amazing for many reasons. But, it is going to be different for everyone and every baby is different. Therefore, I encourage parents to at least give it a try to see if it works for you!
Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding Basics

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Sep 12th 2018

Oh, the breastfeeding blog – one that many might read openly or with only one eye open! I will cut to the chase before I dive into some breastfeeding basics to follow with breastfeeding – it is challenging! There is so much breastfeeding controversy out there with all kinds of social media arguments and information. It can leave a new mother confused, nervous and overwhelmed. She probably has heard terms all over the place such as “breast is best” or “fed is best”. Breastfeeding is both scientifically and mentally/emotionally proven to be best for babies. But, it is not something that is generally achieved with ease. I personally have always wondered, if it is so natural - then why is it so difficult for many mothers to successfully breastfeed? The answer to that varies from mom to mom. As we all are learning to support one another, the best thing you can do to help another mother is to use no judgment with any choice she makes about breastfeeding. It starts with mom… Yes, you mama – breastfeeding begins with you even prior to giving birth to your baby. This is because the psychological and emotional impact that you have towards breastfeeding goes a long way. Every mom is different. Some moms are highly motivated with a strong, positive mindset about breastfeeding before birth. While others are worried, anxious and scared. Does it mean that having a positive mindset will stop all the breastfeeding challenges? No, it doesn’t. But a positive mindset can help a mother to overcome the challenges better. More importantly, your baby can feel all of your worries and anxiety and when they're born, they can sense it even more. The best thing you can do for yourself if you are still pregnant, or even if you have already delivered, is to sit every day, hand on your chest and another on your heart, taking deep breaths and repeat the affirmation below (or one you like). Like with all things in motherhood, the biggest challenge while learning to breastfeed – is to give yourself a lot of grace along the way! Also – just know that every mom you know might want to give you their breastfeeding stories, both good and bad, just like they might do about their birth experiences. Always know that your experience will not be exactly the same as theirs! Yes, there are many stories and things to watch for about difficult latches, thrush, mastitis, cracked nipples or other problems associated with breastfeeding. But above it all, it is a learned art and sometimes a little help is needed during the learning process. As a new mother or a future new mother, you need to equip yourself with as much knowledge as possible. This will help ensure that your breastfeeding experience is successful from the very beginning. Breastfeeding Basics Let’s go over some basics! The Latch The latch is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome. A well-latched baby will effectively massage your breasts and extract your milk – cueing your breasts to make more and more! The baby will regulate how much your milk will come in. This can often confuse many mothers, thinking they are not producing enough. Their breasts most likely are not being emptied well enough to make more. Latch Tips Let the baby come to your breasts, not you putting the baby on them – this is a natural instinct that babies know how to do once they are put near the breast to search and find. Make sure a large amount of areola/breast tissue is in baby’s mouth. Baby’s chin should be firmly pressed against the breast and baby should be able to breathe freely through the nose. Always remember: breastfeeding is not nipple feeding! Babies don’t need much, especially in the beginning but they need it often – every two hours and be allowed to latch on as long as needed! You might need to wake them a lot in the beginning to latch. Once the latch is established, you and baby can find the right position that works for you and is the most comfortable for feedings. Quick Tip: Is baby getting enough? How will I know? First, you need to recognize the open-pause sucking rhythm. This tells you that your baby is transferring milk and swallowing. Secondly, what goes in must come out. Baby should produce about six to eight wet diapers daily and have three to five bowel movements. Note: it is common for a breastfed baby to go awhile in-between bowel movements too – their bodies are absorbing all of the nutrients and vitamins in breastmilk at a rapid pace with their growth! Engorgement Tips The first milk to come in is a yellow-thickish type of milk that is called colostrum a.k.a liquid gold. It's super rich in nutrients and antibodies and the perfect first meal for baby! Within five days or so, your milk will come in and for many, engorgement then becomes a challenge. Despite how full and hard your breasts will all of a sudden feel – supply and demand is how to keep it going – so even though you may want to hold off from a feeding because of it or baby becomes a bit frustrated with how fast your let down is with the engorgement – don’t skip feedings! This will only worsen your engorgement. Warm showers hitting your chest and breasts can help soothe before a feeding or a warm compress for 5 – 10 minutes prior. After the feeding – apply a cold compress for about fifteen minutes to reduce inflammation. Lightly massage, while nursing, the hard lumps you feel in your breasts. Manually (or use an electric pump on low setting) extract some milk to soften the areola prior to a feed and lengthen your nipple so baby can latch properly to extract the rest. Sore Nipple Tips This one is always so hard for many mamas in the beginning! There are many nipple balms out there, we at Our Green House particularly like this one. Hopefully, that will be enough to help soothe you but if not, here are some more tips. Free your breasts! Air drying and allowing your breasts to be free from bras and clothing after a feeding helps heal them. Apply a little breastmilk on each nipple and let it air dry. Need more? Try: 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 cup of filtered water, raw coconut oil, powdered infant probiotics, and organic cotton balls. After each feeding – mix ACV and water and use a cotton ball to apply to each nipple (kills yeast and bacteria). Next, apply a small amount of coconut oil and sprinkle some probiotic powder on each nipple. Place a small piece of paper towel in-between your nipple and nursing bra. You can even use this combination as a preventative! (source: Natural Mama) If your nipples become cracked or bleeding and unbearable to nurse – find a pediatric dentist in your area to assess for lip or tongue tie if there are no lactation consultants available. My own breastfeeding journey has been up and down – read here to learn how it challenged me, especially after my C-Section with my second daughter. It takes time mama to get it down and no matter how long you breastfeed or if you decide not to do it at all, do not let this determine your worth as a mother. You are an amazing mom, who is doing the best you can – always remember that. Bonus! Grab this free pdf: Breastfeeding: Pumping, Storing, and Returning to Work    
First Moments with Baby and Mom

First Moments with Baby and Mom

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Sep 5th 2018

The moment you have been waiting and preparing for has arrived – your little bundle is born! Your newborn is in your arms for the first time. So many emotions flow through you that you cannot even identify them all. In those first moments with baby, the mixture of tears, laughter, and smiles as you look down at your miracle with your partner - is both magical and overwhelming! Love floods you, and while you may have some thoughts like “I am not sure if I will be a good mom for this sweet baby of mine,” you know one thing – you will do anything in your power to protect this baby! For some moms, in these first moments with baby, love immediately fills them. For others, it may take a while to feel that powerful connection. That is more than okay mama. Becoming a parent is the biggest job in the world. Some of us need extra support to settle into motherhood. For me personally, that connection was felt at a different pace with each of my girls. Let’s focus in on the first few moments after a baby is born and what is happening. First Moments With Baby A baby spends a long 9 months developing in a nice, cozy and warm womb. When he or she is born, their instincts for survival outside of the womb will kick in right away. However, there are some things that we can become conscious about and do to help your little one adjust. The moment of your baby's first breath is intense as this is what you have been waiting for! When the majority of babies are born, you will hear a cry, sputter or a cough as they take that first breath on their own, but some babies will need a little assistant to get going. This is big for the baby because this is the first time their lungs, digestion, and circulation are working independently of you. Now that your baby is breathing - how are they taking it all in? This where you come in to help! How they adjust varies from baby to baby. Some babies come out wide-eyed and quiet. They calmly look around (mostly at you mama!) – soaking it all in. Some babies may take a peek and then, goodnight! Don’t worry though, one of your baby's strong instincts is to feed within the first hour. They will want to find your breast or feed, even if they need a little snooze first. Finally, some babies will make themselves heard by the only way they know how – crying – often loudly at first! No matter how your baby reacts to their new world around them – once they are placed in their mother’s arms and on her chest, skin-to-skin for that magical golden first hour – your baby will feel extremely secure and loved. Skin-to-Skin Benefits: Regulate the baby’s temperature and keep glucose levels higher. Your breasts are able to stabilize your baby's temperature when he or she is placed on them. The contact keeps the baby’s vitals steady and temperature regulated. Keep the baby’s heartbeat stable by synchronizing it with Mom’s heartbeat. A mother’s heartbeat can coordinate with her baby’s heartbeat within seconds! Increase bonding. The hour after birth is the “Sacred” or “Golden” hour. It's during these first moments with baby that both mom and baby are primed to develop their chemical connection. Oxytocin or the “love hormone” is responsible for this connection. Reduce Postpartum Depression. During those first moments with baby, feeling the baby on her chest, smelling, kissing and snuggling rouses these intricate maternal hormones that stimulate mother behaviors and feelings. This can help reduce PPD symptoms of disconnect. A less crying baby! Holding a baby, skin-to-skin, for a few hours a day can help reduce crying in an infant. It keeps them calm and secure. This also lowers stress levels in a mom and helps her to feel more in control. Improve sleep for both baby and Mom. A baby held skin-to-skin sleeps better and stays asleep longer thus allowing a Mother to rest too. Happier tummy and a stronger immune system for baby! Yes – skin-to-skin can help the baby’s digestive system! Contact on Mom’s chest stimulates the vagal nerve which keeps digestion strong and nutrition absorbs better for stronger immunity. BREASTFEEDING! Skin-to-skin contact improves the breastfeeding relationship between Mom and baby very early on. A baby placed on Mom immediately after birth who continues with skin to skin at home is more likely to breastfeed with success and for longer. This helps Mom’s supply build and stay well established. Swaddling a baby away from Mom will hamper building her supply. Read about the power of skin-to-skin and how it helped me and my firstborn daughter tremendously after a traumatic birth. We can also help baby by dimming the lights after birth because their eyes are sensitive and still adjusting. Undisturbed, quiet time lying on mom's chest while breastfeeding is the best thing for baby. Many hospitals are now reserving this golden hour to do just that and holding off on any newborn screenings. Unless of course there are any complications, but your care team will immediately explain these and what they need to do. What about you mama? On top of all of the emotions that you feel as you hold your new baby, your body is rapidly adjusting to not being pregnant. You may shake, feel nauseated and just downright EXHAUSTED. Make sure to get fluids and a snack in as soon as you can to refuel. I've found it's super beneficial to drink 5-6 cups a day (hot or cold) of my post-partum tea blend in those first 48 hours after delivery. Depending on whether or not you had an epidural or a C-Section, you may be able to take a shower a few hours after birth. This will help you feel like a new woman! If you are breastfeeding, it is strongly recommended to wait until your baby has had their first latch and feed. This is because the smell you have to your baby is the same smell as the amniotic fluid that they floated around in for so long! This helps a baby to feel safe after they are born. Nature is amazing, isn't it? Magical Bonding The best tip that I was ever given was to wait as long as possible to welcome visitors (minus other children you have who will be absolutely dying to meet their new sibling!). This time lets you and your partner come down from the intensity of the birth – and ensures calm for your baby who is easily stimulated at this stage. Visitors will, of course, be so excited to hold and see your baby. All the baby really needs and wants at this time though is their parents. There will be plenty of bonding time with others to come! No matter which order you do things such as: taking a shower, eating and getting up to move – within those first moments with baby and hours after birth - having baby relax on your bare chest is the most beneficial thing for both of you because this truly helps both baby and mama to adjust, bond and have a gentle and magical start to their lives together.
Baby Hospital Bag Checklist

Baby Hospital Bag Checklist

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Aug 29th 2018

You are almost there!You've spent (nearly) nine months preparing in all kinds of ways for your little bundle to arrive and now you are nearing the end! Your birth plan may or may not be written out (here is a birth plan outline you can use in case you don’t!) and the big day is drawing closer and closer. Remember to breathe!What else is there to be done?Pack your baby hospital bag! If you have planned a home birth, make sure your home is stocked with everything you'll need. Talk to your homebirth doula and/or midwife to see what you will need to buy to prepare. However, if you are planning on going to a hospital or birthing center, you will want your baby hospital bag packed and ready to grab when the moment arrives.Once your contractions begin and early labor sets in, you do not want to scramble collecting last minute items. There are things on the list that you will be using every day until it is time to go, like your cell phone charger and purse/wallet to name a couple – so have a list for those items on your bag that your partner can double check before you walk out the door.Quick Reminder: Have you contacted your hospital or birthing center to pre-register with all of your insurance information? You do not want to be doing this while in active labor!What do I need to pack in my baby hospital bag?Enjoy this hospital bag checklist to help you organize what you need to bring with you to the hospital.Things to remember: Your belly will take some time to deflate. (It takes at least 6 weeks for your uterus to contract back down to its pre-pregnancy size.) Therefore whatever maternity pajamas you have been wearing or something in a larger size – is what we suggest to pack. Especially if you have a C-Section, you want it nice and loose around the midsection! Pack enough underwear and clothes for at least three days. While some moms are in and out and may only spend one night in the hospital, everyone is different. It just depends on how your labor goes and if you have a C-Section or not. A bathing suit! Or at least the top. Some hospitals and birthing centers have tubs to be in and while this is not a necessity – you may be more comfortable in a bathing suit versus a sports bra. SNACKS! Most hospitals (although this is changing more and more) do not allow meals while in labor, however, some light protein snacks make a huge difference while in labor. It’s common sense: a mother needs strength to labor and birth her baby! Suggestions: nuts/trail mix, coconut water, dates, protein bars, etc. Something quick that you can pop in your mouth to give you energy. If you plan on having a Doula, you most likely will not need this as she will have it in her Doula bag. However, if you don’t have a Doula, remember to pack: a tennis ball for your partner to massage you with, rice sock or heating pad, or anything else that will help you relax. Last minute things to prepare at home: frozen meals for when you come back home some self-care: haircut, nails and maybe even a nice prenatal massage before birth!This week, on my blog, I went over some extras that I will be using in my own upcoming birth to help with comfort and support. You can read that post here.I always recommend starting to gather items for your bag around 35 weeks so you have it ready shortly after. You just never know when your little one will be ready for their debut!
Organic Cotton Baby Clothes - Our Green Baby

Organic Cotton Baby Clothes - Our Green Baby

Posted by Sonya on Aug 28th 2018

We're so excited to share our new signature line of organic cotton baby clothes with Lindsay - and you! She stopped back into our warehouse after a long hiatus and we caught up with her - and her bump - and showed her our exclusive line of organic baby clothes, blankets, bibs, washcloths and adorable bunnies. See for yourself in this quick video: If only you could reach through the screen to touch these lovely organic cotton baby items. They're SO soft, perfect for wrapping precious baby skin! Our new line of organic cotton baby clothes includes baby footies, side-snap tees, pants, and hats in 2 different sizes: 0-3 months and 3-6 months. We also carry matching bibs, washcloths and swaddle blankets.Items in the Our Green Baby line are made from soft white organic cotton with lovely color stitched edges in your choice of four colors: blue, brown, grey, or pink. Although they're not a part of our exclusive line, we also carry perfectly coordinating solid color organic cotton baby onesies. We've already seen these new items incorporated into some of the unique baby gift baskets that our customers have created.And this bunny!! Where to begin? The handmade knit toy has the most delightful texture, sturdy yet soft. The long ears and arms are easy to grasp and fun to chew – if you are into that sort of thing. (Melissa's baby Fia adores chewing on her little bunny's ears!) These charming stuffed animals are made from organic cotton yarn in Istanbul by talented stay at home moms. We hope their sleepy expression and muted colors will comfort your little ones into an easy slumber.These baby wardrobe staples are lovely additions to any make-your-own organic baby gift basket or your baby registry.
What Does a Doula Do?

What Does a Doula Do?

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Aug 22nd 2018

Keep Calm and Call the Doula Let’s start with a little history of birth. For hundreds of years, women have been the main support through another woman’s birth. Experienced female birth workers, a.k.a doulas and midwives delivered babies (mostly at home) all around the world. Today – the number of midwives used has declined dramatically, with over 90% of births attended by physicians and in a hospital. The choice of where and whom you want handling your pregnancy and birth is, of course, a very personal decision and there is never a “right” or “wrong” choice – as long as the parents are secure with their care. Are Doula’s the same as Midwives? No – they are not the same, which is why many couples still hire a doula for their birth (and even after) alongside their midwives or physicians. While Obstetrician-gynecologists are medical doctors (MDs) who have completed medical school, midwives have not. They are trained with a different philosophy – focusing on whole-body health and prevention (although they are extremely medically knowledgeable in pregnancy, labor, and delivery). They are strong advocates in supporting the mother to make informed decisions with their pregnancy and birth. Three Types of Midwives: Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM): who is trained both as a nurse and has gone onto graduate-level training as a midwife. Midwife (CM) Certified: they do not hold a nursing degree, but some have had graduate level midwifery training and do take the same certification as CNMs. Certified Professional Midwife (CPM): they obtain their certification from a different governing body versus a CM and CNM. They may or may not hold a bachelor’s or graduate degree. You may find a lot of CPM’s attending births alongside a CNM or CM. A Doula This brings us to a doula – your birth room and postpartum angels on earth! Unlike a midwife – doulas are not medically trained like a CNM. Although – more and more nurses are retiring to do doula care. Regardless, they have a different training and job with mothers and provide non-medical care. Their main focus is providing relief for the mom through gentle physical support such as massages during labor and emotional and mental support – helping the mom to feel safe and secure. Fact is, moms who have a doula during birth and in the postpartum period, have far better positive outcomes. The most important thing is finding the right doula that will fit your needs – check out this questionnaire you can bring with you when interviewing doulas. There are two different kinds of doulas: birth doula and postpartum doula and each have had their own training. Affirmation: I trust my instincts. I trust the wisdom of my body. I believe I can, so I will. Birth Doula A birth doula has one main objective: to make sure mom and dad have a positive and safe birth experience – even if that means intervention or a C-section. They are there to help you through every minute of it and feel empowered as changes may occur. Your doula will usually meet with you twice before birth, if not more, to go over what you hope for, your fears and thoughts and create a birth plan. She will educate you on many parts of the labor experience, so by the time labor starts, you feel more in control, educated and supported. A birth doula’s main jobs during labor: Breathing techniques Relaxation techniques Laboring positions Massage for comfort Making sure you eat and drink enough Advocate for you Emotional and mental support for both mom and dad Postpartum Doula A postpartum doula is there to help a new family in those first days or weeks after bringing the baby home. Having a postpartum doula has shown through research that mom and dad have a much smoother and easier transition into parenthood with a doula there to ensure them, educate them and support them however they need in those early weeks. She is essentially there to “mother the mother”. A postpartum doula can either do daytime hours or overnight hours, whichever the parents decide they need. A postpartum doula’s main jobs: Infant care: Answering all basic care needs and breastfeeding Help you rest and recharge – often holding your newborn for you Practical Help: Laundry, dishes, housework, cooking, errands Emotional Support: Mother the new mother - nurturing her so she can nurture her precious new baby. Listening to her worries, fears and being there so she can express her frustrations. You can find your doula through searching online in your area through the certifying organizations such as: dona.org cappa.net childbirthinternational.com Also – check with your OB or midwife as they might have a referral list. Doula’s range in price and can be costly, however, the care they can provide is worth it! Visit Lindsay's blog for more info about Doulas, including special concerns for mamas with high-risk pregnancies.     Join the Our Green Moms Facebook Group to connect with other women (moms-to-be, new moms, aunts, and grandmas). We'll share tips, discover organic products, and find support among other eco-conscious moms. - Click Below!!!
Pregnancy Skin Changes

Pregnancy Skin Changes

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Aug 16th 2018

Glowing Pregnancy Skin Many women have heard how during pregnancy, their hair and nails might grow faster and thicker during pregnancy. Your skin might also have a “pregnancy glow” and be softer and smoother. You can thank all of the extra vitamins and minerals that you are required to take! However, for some women, not the case, as pregnancy skin changes for them respond more "gloomy" versus "glowing". Hormones may not respond to you the same way. How unfair! Let’s start in the bathroom. Pull out all of your cleansers and facial products. What are you using on your face? Hormones can cause all kinds of trouble – resulting in acne and a moist or oily complexion. Diet tip – cut way down on sugar! This includes processed foods and refined carbs. Switch out your dairy for nut milks or organic, cultured dairy like whole-fat yogurt, buttermilk, kefir and fermented cheeses. Make sure to take your omega-3’s! If you read the labels on a lot of facial products, you might read “for oily skin” and while this sounds like the way to go for your skin, it isn’t. This is because these products are too drying for your skin and while switching it out with something that contains oils sounds crazy – it really is the best thing you can do! Instead of drying out your skin, sometimes causing irritation and redness, only to have the excess oil and acne return – proper skin products will help your skin retain its natural moisture. You’ll be ridding the pores of all the dead cells and “gunk” in there. White Willow Bark is a natural source of salicylic acid and wonderful for oily skin! It cleanses all the excess but keeps it your natural oils balanced. For me, I hold the opposite problem in pregnancy – my skin is dry! Avocado oil became my best friend during my pregnancies from pouring it into the bath or applying to my face. Essential Oil Tip for DIY cleanser – part castor oil and the other part – jojoba oil. Make sure to never apply essential oils directly onto your skin. Extra step – raw honey! One teaspoon with warm water and massage onto your face and rinse. (Do not use the honey moisture if your face is already dry and irritated) What’s up with PUPPS? PUPPS - pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy – and is a terribly itchy rash that starts out slow with a few bumps and can manifest all around the naval and even onto legs and buttocks. There is no known cause as to why this rash appears but it will go away after pregnancy. There are some guesses that is it caused by rapid abdominal stretching and kidneys and liver are overworked and the body is not filtering correctly. Your doctor can prescribe something for the itch if it becomes too intense – however, some mamas do not want to do this route. Instead, load up on juice that you make yourself at home with vegetables. If you have a juicer, even better! Mix and strain as many vegetables are you can get in a variety of colors to help push toxins through your system. Uneven skin tone textures. As if oily or dry skin wasn’t enough to deal with – up to 70% of expecting moms deal with their skin tones becoming uneven. Take action: Eat foods rich in folic acid: leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, citrus, beans, peas, avocado, seeds, and nuts. Also, don’t forget to take your whole food prenatal vitamins daily! Protect yourself when exposed to the sun. UV light can escalate dark spots on the skin and make it difficult for them to fade with ease after pregnancy. Use a mineral and chemical free sunscreen anytime you want to soak up some rays. Brighten up with Vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant can really help to keep your skin tones become brighter and more even. Pregnancy sure puts our bodies through quite a workout - including our skin! Since our skin is our biggest organ and the first line of defense against outside pollution and what you apply to it - taking some time out each day to take care of it and yourself is very important. Want More Tips? Download this FREE PDF: Safe Oil & Herbal Blends for Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum.    
Pelvic Floor Strengthening for a More Positive Labor

Pelvic Floor Strengthening for a More Positive Labor

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Aug 8th 2018

Birth and Your Perineum Tearing during a vaginal birth is a fear many mothers have. As a mother myself who had two large babies over ten pounds each at birth – this is certainly something that has crossed my mind too! Whether you actually tear or not, all moms experience swelling and trauma to the perineum as the baby pushes against your pelvic floor in birth. The good news is that there are things we can do to prepare your pelvic floor. The Dance of Birth Between Mom and Baby You may not be thinking too much about it now while still pregnant, but think of it this way: every ounce of preventative care you put into to strengthening your pelvic floor is worth a pound of cure. Meaning – even little efforts go a long way! The care you put in now will dramatically help reduce the trauma that birth will put on your pelvic area. During labor, movement is critical. It helps the mom to dance in tune with her baby coming down the birth canal. It helps to ease the baby out without tearing and even fewer tears. Mom and baby become in sync and strengthening the pelvic floor is a tremendous help so the mom can choreograph this beautiful dance she will do with her baby while in labor! Ideal Position for Birth We all know that breech is not ideal at all and the majority will end up with a C-Section if their baby is breech. However, there are other positions that are not so great either. Does the baby’s position while head down really matter though? Yes! An occiput posterior or otherwise known as “sunny side up” when the baby is facing away from the spine – can cause many more complications such as back labor or cause prodromal labor in the weeks leading up to birth. Hands and knees is the best position if the baby is in this position during labor. The ideal position is called occiput anterior or with baby head down and facing spine. This position encourages your baby to tuck his or her chin to his chest, so the smallest part of his head pushes on the cervix for a quicker exit. Affirmation of the Week: - I see my baby in the perfect position for birthing. I am in complete control of my body and mind. Pelvic Floor Strengtheners and Positioning There are ways that you can get your baby to settle into a good position and strengthen your pelvic floor, hips, and thighs for labor. To encourage proper alignment, make sure to not recline too much in the third trimester (which is all a pregnant mom wants to do - sit back and snooze!). This compresses the pelvis whereas leaning forward helps the baby to rest his or her back against your spine. Leaning forward keeps you from getting dizzy from laying too much on your back too! Grab a birthing ball (large exercise ball) and while watching T.V. at night – spend ten minutes bouncing, rocking side to side and tilting your pelvis forward. Next, to keep things loose – exercise! Even just simple walking 20 to 30 minutes a day will keep things warm and loosened up rather than tight. After walking, sit on the floor in “butterfly” pose with knees open. This helps to open up your pelvis and keeps your lower back flexible. Pulse your legs up and down as you sit in this pose and stretch by gently leaning forward. Follow with getting on all fours, in the “cat and cow” pose and tuck your chin and hold – then release and look up. If exercise feels good – you can always add more a few days a week with lunges and squats to strengthen your thighs and legs. This area is heavily needed in birth! Doing these things will help to ensure a more positive experience during labor. Join Our Green Moms Facebook Group - click below!!!
Meet Lindsay Gibson, our Baby Registry & Maternal Health Specialist

Meet Lindsay Gibson, our Baby Registry & Maternal Health Specialist

Posted by Pam Davis on Aug 7th 2018

Though you may have seen her in one or two of our videos and as one of our blog post authors, we've yet to formally introduce Lindsay Gibson so I want to take a moment to do that today. I met Lindsay last year and was immediately drawn to this inspiring woman! Her first book, Just Be: How My Stillborn Son Taught Me to Surrender, is a beautiful memoir that shares how she pushes through a lot of pain. It is a lesson to us all not to let tragedy define our selves. She's such a positive role model! Lindsay is an author, motivational speaker, birth psychology and maternity health specialist. Beyond raising her daughters to be strong, independent women who know that they are well loved, her mission in life is helping to bring inner healing and joy for women everywhere. Her wealth of maternal health knowledge comes from 10+ years of experience as a birth and postpartum doula.  She is also a maternal health practitioner & nutritionist. Her personal experience as a mother of two - soon to be three - daughters contributes as well. As we announced today on Facebook, Lindsay will be a big part of our new Baby Registry. We are so excited to have her sharing her expertise on our blog, with members of our baby registry and on our Facebook Group: Our Green Moms! You can also find Lindsay on: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, & Instagram. In case you missed our live Facebook announcement, you can watch it below:
Eco Nursery - Safe Baby Space

Eco Nursery - Safe Baby Space

Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Aug 1st 2018

Eco Nursery All the options… They are endless! Unless you are an interior design professional or perhaps decorating is a personal hobby that you just love – chances are, seeing all the options out there for a baby’s nursery can ignite a load of panic and overwhelm. The big box companies certainly don’t help this either with their clever marketing and having dozens of choices to pick from. Then there is Pinterest – you could seriously spend hours scrolling through all of the nursery designs.   Take a deep breath. First of all – let’s backtrack a bit. Does a baby even need all of those things in their nursery? Quick answer – no. Long answer – it doesn’t mean you can’t create a nice space for your little one. However, you don’t need to have it all done prior to the birth. Many parents prefer this though because once the baby is here and especially if mom has to return back to work, there won’t be much time to put the nursery together. Whether you plan on co-sleeping or not with your baby, it is still a good idea to have a designated space for your baby for napping, playing and storage of their clothes and toys. As your baby grows, this space will be used more and more. A Natural Nursery Paint – let’s start with the basics. Painting the nursery is often seen as the first step in many movies. You usually see the husband and wife happily painting the nursery and transforming a room once used as an office or guest room into their little one’s new space. So, naturally, this is a good place to begin. Colors There is much debate on the proper color scheme for a nursery. Some argue bold bright colors because it is a fact that newborns can distinguish high contrast colors and patterns and bold primary colors more easily. You will see many toy manufacturers using this in their designs with these bright color tones and patterns. On the flip side – others argue a more restful retreat, with softer neutrals. When choosing your color scheme, it really boils down to what you want as the baby will receive all the love and stimulation he or she needs from you and other family members. Nursing/feeding, snuggles and kisses, and noises around the home are enough to satisfy your growing baby’s sensory needs. To keep it natural – keep your attention off what color and focus more on what type. Steer clear of the conventional paint that has aldehyde, heavy metals, and VOC’s (which can “off-gas” chemicals for years). Affirmation of the Week: Slow Down, Calm Down, Don’t Worry, Don’t Hurry. I trust the Process. Be careful when selecting a low VOC or environmentally safe paint as even low VOC paints contain high VOC colorants and companies do not have to disclose this on their labeling. When shopping for paint – find ones that are truly green paints, using natural materials in place of: Petroleum Solvents Biocides Heavy metals Terms to look for: ECOS Paints, Unearthed Paints, Old Fashioned Milk Paint or ones labeled “zero-VOC and zero-VOC colorant”. Brands to check: Mythic, Sherwin-Williams Emerald or Benjamin Moore Natura Furniture Save on the changing tables and opt for a two-for-one deal like a dresser with a non-toxic changing pad on top. Many dressers are now being designed to grow with your child like the cribs are. This means you can find ones that have a removable changing tray. However, it is tricky to find natural furniture with these handy additions. The key is to buy furniture that is real wood. Most furniture items you see are made from press-wood, particleboard, and composite materials. Remember that many babies once they can move and stand up, will have their mouths all over the crib rails! For furniture – look for wood that has: Solid and sustainable materials no formaldehyde Free of VOCs Free of phthalates If you receive second-hand furniture as a pass-down or shop for it all used, then refinish it with a non-toxic stain. That furniture has already spent a lot of time off-gassing which is good for you! Gliders/Rocking Chairs Choose ones that are made from organic or eco-friendly materials. Free of: Phthalates Formaldehyde Flame retardants Final tips - Pull carpeting if you can and replace with a natural area rug with natural fibers. Take down all old curtains and toss and replace with natural wood shades or organic cotton curtains. Throw in some natural wooden toys and your natural nursery is complete!
Do You Really Need Organic Baby Clothes?

Do You Really Need Organic Baby Clothes?

Posted by Melissa McKee on Jun 25th 2018

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed the other day when it occurred to me - babies are everywhere! At least in my social circle. Everyone I know is posting pictures of new babies, ultrasound photos, baby showers, pregnancy pics, sibling shots… it’s enough to make you cry if you are sentimental about that sort of thing. With a baby in the house myself, my emotions run from sentimental to slightly insane, so tears could flow at any moment. Anywayyyyy... point is I am struck by this general theme of pure unadulterated LOVE in these photos. It’s to be expected, I am sure, but it’s an emotion that smacks you in your face more than when you are looking at let’s say - pictures of someone’s breakfast. You don’t even need a filter for these pictures because love just radiates its own filter on them. All these expecting parents, wanting the world for their new babies. Everyone goes about it in their own way, but they all want The Best, The Safest, The Proven, The Sleep. Oh, they might not know about that last one yet, but they will all want The Sleep, give them time. As an expecting parent, I think I spent more time reading Amazon reviews more than any other type of literature (which I know is a very loose definition of literature). Typing questions into google like “3 car seats in one row Honda Pilot” and getting lost in pictures of other people’s cars that somehow aren’t covered in a fine orange dusting of goldfish. I frequently wished there was just a magical someone out there that could just find me exactly what I need and present it to me. I’d pay dearly to have back those research minutes. So, when research is pointing you in the direction of organic baby clothes and you are like “but why on earth do I need to spend even more money on something I am not sure is important”, I have come to your rescue (just this once) with some quick points that won’t leave you having to scroll through tons of reviews. You’re welcome. It won’t even take that long. Unlike trying to decide between different nursery themes, this choice is pretty easy. Newborns Have Delicate Skins with Great Sensitivity Newborns have extra-sensitive skin and that’s because it is thinner and has larger pores than adult skin, meaning that even the slightest irritation can inflame them. The synthetic material and the use of cheap elastic or closures can easily cause rashes just from contact. Plus those larger baby pores make it easier for their skin to absorb some of the harmful chemicals used in manufacturing most conventional baby clothes. Organic baby clothes, on the other hand, are usually made from 100% organically sourced cotton or sometimes other sustainable materials like hemp or bamboo. These natural plants produce a fabric that is extremely soft without the need for harmful chemicals and toxins. The breathability of organic cotton helps keep rashes at bay as well. Organic Baby Clothes Prevents Allergies Commercials and ads for natural detergents and plant-based baby care products like to tout “pediatrician recommended” or “used by doctors.” This is because babies in their early days are usually more susceptible to allergic responses. New studies are coming out all the time that simple things like the types of wipes you use can provide a gateway for later allergies. I’ve found, especially with sleepwear, that the more natural the material the fewer the rashes. Of course, I didn’t figure it out quite as fast with the first baby so the first kid is loaded with allergies. Sorry first kid. Subsequent children have benefited from my noticing it, though and they are allergy free with flawless skin. We can’t do everything right all the time as the world likes to remind us parents. Organic Baby Clothes Are Affordable & Cost-Effective Sometimes you do have that moment of sticker shock when you look at the price of organic clothes versus that entire set of store brand polyester baby clothes. Take a second, though, before dismissing the more expensive clothes because they seriously last so much longer. I have more organic clothes that have been passed down through three kids than a child could ever actually need and it’s because those natural fibers are stronger. Not being treated with toxic dyes and bleaches helps too. If you have any intention of passing down those pajamas or onesies I totally recommend spending more to get more use. It can be so easy to be overwhelmed with all the choices that becoming a new parent entails. While I cannot tell you which car seat combination will work for your car, I can tell you that choosing organic baby clothes like this new organic baby clothing line will provide your newborn with safe, soft and sustainable outfits from one kid to the next.
Why Gender Reveal Parties Are So Popular

Why Gender Reveal Parties Are So Popular

Posted by Pam Davis on Jun 3rd 2018

The popularity and acceptance of gender reveal parties by expectant parents and their loved ones has continued to soar over the years. What’s the buzz about? How has this phenomenon that was barely known over a decade ago become a part of our culture in such a short time? Gender Reveal Parties: How Did It All Start? Looking back, it seems to have started around summer 2010. Google Trends had previously reported no interest of online searchers in the concept. Ever since then, online searches have risen exponentially. The words Gender reveal party videos, gender reveal party ideas, and gender reveal gift ideas are now common. It is hard to tell when the first gender reveal party was held. We know that 2015 was the explosive year that saw it gaining popularity. Why So Popular Today? If you’ve experienced what it means to be an expectant mother or father, you’ll probably be able to relate to the excitement.  This has kept gender reveal parties trendy right from the first creatively inspired celebration. Now, consider the fact that the time we began to hear of gender reveal coincided with the early days of the growth of social media.  You will see the significant role that social media and the internet, has played in the growth and popularity of these parties. Influence of Social Media on the Popularity of Gender Reveal Parties Today, you’ll find over half a million videos on YouTube alone about gender reveal parties. The growth of social media also gave expectant parents the ability to easily and quickly share their good news with the rest of the world.  When gender reveal parties started popping up, social media soon helped this trend spread like wildfire. Even though these parties are a purely American concept, the popularity today has spread to other countries of the world like Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Although not everyone is a fan of this concept, the popularity is expected to continue ballooning exponentially. We can relate to the happiness and excitement of parents when learning about the sex of their baby. Gender reveal parties provide an opportunity to celebrate this exciting moment with the people we love. If you would like to bring some creative gifts, check out our selection of gender reveal gifts.